Rina Mackley Award in Landscape Architecture at University of Melbourne in Australia 2024-25

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University of Melbourne

Parkville, Melbourne, Victoria, VIC 3052, Australia
All scholarships  


The Rina Mackley Award in Landscape Architecture at University of Melbourne in Australia is open to all nationals. It is offered for a Master's degree in the field of Landscape Architecture. The deadline for sending an application varies. This scholarship is provided by the University of Melbourne.

A top achiever joining the Master of Landscape Architecture program with a background in architecture (or other non-cognate field) is awarded the Rina Mackley Award for Architects in Landscape Architecture.

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The award value is up to $13,000. The award amount is calculated each year based on the income of the philanthropic gift.


  • Candidates must be enrolled in the 300-point Master of Landscape Architecture program or plan to enroll.
  • The applicant has to have earned a bachelor's degree in architecture or a closely related subject.
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