Presidential Postgraduate Research Scholarship at University of Southampton in UK

Published: 4 years ago Total 721 views


The University of Southampton is inviting high achieving candidates from around the world for the Presidential Postgraduate Research Scholarship.

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Successful candidates will receive the following academic benefits: Full funding for tuition fees. A stipend of £15,009 per annum for living costs. A research training and support grant of £1,000.


             Eligible Countries: All nationalities Acceptable Course or Subjects: Postgraduate Research in all subject areas. Admissible Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following criteria: Identify the postgraduate programme you wish to apply for; you may for instance need to take a one-year taught course before beginning research work, Identify your area of research interest and how this links to our research centre or potential supervisors; you can find more information about our research areas on our research centre page, Check that you meet the University’s general entry requirements, plus any specific requirements for your chosen programme, If applicable, ensure that you will be able meet any special requirements for international students,
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