Planning and Environmental Management Taught Masters Merit Award in the UK

Published: 4 years ago Total 534 views


The University of Manchester is inviting students who are undertaking eligible full-time and part-time taught Masters degree programmes commencing AY 2020 at the University’s School of Environment, Education and Development, to apply for the Planning and Environmental Management Taught Masters Merit Award in the UK.

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The students of Taught Masters Merit Award in the UK will get the following benefits. 

50% tuition fee waiver for the duration of study. Continuation of the award is subject to satisfactory progress.


Applicants must fulfil the following criteria for Taught Masters Merit Award in the UK.

Applicants can be from any country, but they must hold a First Class Honours first degree or equivalent. They must also be holding an offer of study at The University of Manchester before they can apply for this funding. The offer must be unconditional by 22 June 2020 in order for the scholarship applicant to be considered.

This award can be held alongside other awards.


To apply for the Taught Masters Merit Award in the UK, applicants should submit an online application form which includes a 500-word statement detailing their reasons for studying their chosen master’s course and their plans for applying their learning following graduation.  The closing date for applications for September 2020 entry is 29 May 2020.

It is important to visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.

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