PhD Scholarship in Computational Biophysics at RMIT University in Australia

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The PhD Scholarship in Computational Biophysics at RMIT University in Australia is open to all nationals. It is offered for PhD degree in the field of Computational Biophysics. This scholarship is provided by RMIT University, Melbourne City campus. 

With the support of the Computational Biophysics Group at RMIT's School of Science (Physics Discipline), this scholarship offers a gifted student the chance to work on a National Institutes of Health (USA)-funded computer-based molecular biophysics project for their Ph.D.

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The PhD Scholarship in Computational Biophysics at RMIT University in Australia will provide AUD 30,000 per year for three years from RMIT University. Students who already have a scholarship can have this scholarship as an add-on and would receive $10,000 per year.


The eligibility criteria for the PhD Scholarship in Computational Biophysics at RMIT University in Australia are stated below:

  • Applicants of the Scholarship in Computational Biophysics must have an offer letter for an undergraduate vocational or graduate course available at RMIT University to avail of this scholarship.
  • Students can be both domestic and international students.
  • Candidates applying for a PhD Scholarship in Computational Biophysics must surpass the admission requirements set by the University.
  • Students must hold primary education in physics/chemistry/biophysics/biology/engineering or related disciplines.
  • Applicants should be passionate about molecular research, and contemporary supercomputing, and have a strong drive to investigate biological challenges utilizing physical and chemical means.


Applicants should contact Professor Toby Allen via [email protected] to discuss eligibility.

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