Fully Funded One Young World Summit in Japan

Published: 2 years ago Total 1401 views


The One Young World Summit 2022 Tokyo, Japan is now accepting applications from Asia, Africa, the Americas, Europe, the Pacific, Middle East Countries. This year the Summit will be held in Tokyo, Japan with over 2,000 Students from 190+ countries. Imagine 2,000 is such a huge figure. You don’t need to Pay for your Expenses. This is a 1 Week Fully Funded Summit. Any student from any academic background can apply for the One Young World. Enjoy Tokyo Vibes with International Participants.

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The One Young World Summit 2022 is a Fully Funded International Conference. All the Expenses will be covered in the One Young World Scholarship.

  • Access to One Young World Summit Events.
  • Hotel Accommodation
  • Meals, Catering, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Inside Transportation
  • Round Airfare Tickets from Country to Tokyo
  • Conference Materials
  • Note: You Just Need to Pay for Your Visa Fee.


    • Are you over 18?
    • Undergraduates, School, College, University Students, Teachers, Leaders Everyone for One Young World Summit.
    • 18-30 Years of age.
    • Have an evidenced commitment to delivering positive change
    • Demonstrate the capacity for leadership
    • Are addressing key local and/or global issues in your work
    • Have a track record of generating impactful and innovative ideas


What Participants will do?

  • Participants will exchange ideas, broaden their Social Horizons, Make Long Networking & Collaborate in large teams.
  • The Summit will take place from 15-19 May 2022, where over 2,000 young leaders from 190+ countries will gather across the city’s well-known venues.
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