Fully Funded International PhD Studentships at University of Southampton in UK, 2019

Published: 4 years ago Total 1219 views


The University of Southampton is awarding fully funded international PhD studentships available for October 2019 start. UK, EU and international applicants are welcome.  

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Full tuition plus stipend of £14,777 tax-free per annum for up to 3.5 years. The studentships are fully funded for 3.5 years, including tuition fees and a tax-free bursary.


Eligible Countries: UK, EU and international applicants are welcome.  

Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet the following criteria:

Entry requirements: first or upper second-class degree or equivalent.

Applicants must have a first or upper second-class degree (or equivalent) from a recognized university, and a solid grounding in Optics/Electromagnetism. The studentships are fully funded for 3.5 years, including tuition fees and a tax-free bursary.

Study Subject: Studentships are awarded in Physics, Electrical Engineering, Materials Science, and related subjects.


Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.

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