Fully Funded DAAD International Postgraduate Scholarship in Germany 2024

Published: 8 months ago Total 1507 views


The Fully Funded DAAD International Postgraduate Scholarship in Germany is open to all internationals. These are the Fully Funded Scholarships for all students to Pursue a Master's Degree, MPhil Degree, or Short Course from the best universities in Germany. Fresh graduates and awaiting students can also apply for the DAAD Postgraduate Scholarship. 

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The benefits of the Fully Funded DAAD International Postgraduate Scholarship in Germany are stated below:

1. DAAD will provide 934 Euro of Monthly Stipend

2. Provide funds to do a German Language Course for 2, 4, or 6 months

3. Will give Travel Allowance for round trip

4. Contributions to Health Insurance and Accidents in German

5. Study and Research subsidy.

6. Monthly Rent Subsidy where Applicable

7. Allowances for Spouses and/or Children where applicable


The eligibility criteria for the Fully Funded DAAD International Postgraduate Scholarship in Germany are stated below:

1. Applicants with any nationality are eligible to apply for the award.

2. The candidate must hold a Bachelors Degree or Equivalent from University.

3. You must completed your last degree 6 years ago not older than 6 years.

4. Applications Must be Submitted in German or English.

5. English Language Proficiency Certificate i.e. IELTS or TOEFL is required. 6. All Master's courses have further additional requirements that must be Fulfilled by the Applicant.

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