CARRS-Q PhD Scholarship for International Students in Australia

Published: 4 years ago Total 622 views


The Queensland University of Technology is thrilled to announce the International CARRS-Q PhD Scholarship for brilliant students from around the world.

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The Queensland University of Technology will provide a living allowance for three years, indexed annually ($27,596 in 2019). The scholarship is for full-time students and can be used to support living costs. International students may also receive a research degree tuition fee sponsorship.


             Eligible Countries: All nationalities Acceptable Course or Subjects: PhD degree program in Engineering, Health and community and Information technology Admissible Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following criteria: Successfully completed a research masters degree Successfully completed a masters by coursework degree or professional doctorate, with at least 25% research Graduated from an honours degree with a First Class or 2A Honours, or have equivalent research experience.
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