Anjeli Nathan Memorial Scholarship at Australian National University 2025

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Australian National University

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The Anjeli Nathan Memorial Scholarship at Australian National University is open to all nationals. It is offered for a Bachelor's degree in the field of Ecology, Evolution and Genetics. The deadline for sending an application is 30 Dec 2024. This scholarship is provided by the Australian National University.

The objective of The Anjeli Nathan Memorial Scholarship is to support and encourage students with excellent academic merit and who have an outgoing personality to enroll in the University.

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The successful applicants will receive an amount of $7,000 per annum.


  • The applicant may come from any nationality.
  • The applicant must be an outstanding student accepted to study behavioral ecology or conservation biology (Honours) at The Australian National University OR
  • The applicant needs to be an exceptional candidate who has finished their Bachelor of Science with Honours degree at The Australian National University within the past 12 months before the application deadline.
  • Applicants who are based or co-supervised in the Division of Ecology, Evolution, and Genetics during their Honours year are given first consideration.
  • The project proposals including long-term captivity, killing, or surgery on animals, are not considered.
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