France Student Visa

France Student Visa Process

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Shamima Khatun

17 November 2023


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France is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe, drawing visitors and international students from all over the globe due to its excellent educational system. France is home to some of the world's best universities and highly skilled faculty and personnel. Thousands of foreign students from around the globe visit France annually to enroll in short courses, bachelor's, master's, doctoral, and other degree programs. France is another country where universities have very low tuition fees for French nationals and worldwide students. France has excellent opportunities for quality education, a standard European lifestyle, and fantastic work. To study in France, you need to have a student visa. 

What type of French study visa do you need?

Several types of Student Visas are available by the Government of France for International students worldwide. Different types of French Student visas will be offered depending upon the duration of education / how long he/she wants to study in France. The types of French visas are given below:

  1. Schengen Student Visa (Short-Stay): Suppose you are planning to study in France for short courses like the French Language, a short-term internship, or any other short-term program that lasts less than three months, and you are very confident that you will no longer spend more in the country. In that case, you can apply for the Vis type called "court séjour pour étude," otherwise known as the "short-stay" or "Schengen Student visa" for France. The Good news is that the Schengen student visa is issued free of charge but cannot be renewed again.
  2. Visa To Sit Entrance Exams: Another type of visa is the Entrance Exam France visa, which is available for the entrance exams of multiple French universities. Suppose you need to go to France for the admission test at one or more universities. In that case, you can apply for a " Sit Entrance Exam Visa" or "visa de court séjour étudiant Concours" application in your home country. If you pass your university entrance exam, you can apply for a renewable of your France Visa, along with a one-year residence permit. For more information, you need to contact the admissions department of the French University where you want to study your course.
  3. Temporary Long-Stay France Student Visa: France also offers a short-term temporary long-stay visa that allows the international applicant to study in France for up to 6 months for any short-term courses. The Temporary long-stay France visa is also know as" de long séjour temporaire pour études". The good news is that you don't need to apply for a French Residence permit separately if you apply for this student visa.
  4. Long Stay France Student Visa: France also offers a short-term temporary long-stay visa that allows the international applicant to study in France for up to 6 months for any short-term courses. The Temporary long-stay France visa is also know as" de long séjour temporaire pour études". The good news is that you don't need to apply for a French Residence permit separately if you apply for this student visa. If you successfully obtain a long-stay France student visa, you don't need to apply separately for a residence permit. This visa acts as a residence permit for the whole duration of your study. A bachelor / undergraduate Degree program is about three years, a master's Degree Program is two years, and a Ph.D. degree program is about four years in France.

As for the study duration, there is no requirement for the French Residence Permit Separately, so you can freely stay and study. If you need further information about long-term stays in France visa, contact your French university/institution or embassy in your home country.

How to apply for a France Student Visa?

France has developed one of the best Online Admission portals for French higher education institutions, promoting French education abroad and welcoming foreign students and researchers worldwide. This Online Admission Portal is named " Campus France ".

There are hundreds of scholarships in France managed by the Campus France System. International students from different parts of the world can apply for university admission, scholarship programs, and a French student visa through the system of Campus France, as it is the official national agency of the higher education system of France for International Students.

Students from several countries will need to apply through Campus France for admission to French University by choosing the CEF Method, You can check here a list of the countries if you need to apply for both your France Student Visa and entry.

If you do not belong to the list of countries mentioned earlier, you have applied for both a university admission application as well a French Student Visa application. Once you have been admitted to any French Institution's degree / short-term program, you are eligible to apply for a France student visa. For your France student visa application, you need to contact the embassy of France or the French Consulate in your home country. When they request the required documents, you need to provide them as following given below:

  1. The French Institution provides the Admission Letter. It should be on a university-head paper with full details of official acceptance at a French institution, details of the study program, duration, and start and end dates.
  2. You must provide proof of sufficient funds to live in France. The required amount by France is about €615 (Nearly US $820) per month. You must show at least one year through your Bank Statements, Letter of Guarantee, and any financial loan, aid, scholarship, or grant that supports your studies in France.
  3. You also need to provide Proof of return repatriation, which means after your study in France, you must go back to your home country in the form of a handwritten letter.
  4. You need to provide a letter that you have purchased Medical Insurance with the minimum coverage of  €30,000 (US$40,150)
  5. You need to provide proof of a Letter of accommodation, which means you already have arranged a place for your living in France that can be displayed as a student residency permit confirmation or a board and residence certificate.
  6. Language of Proficiency Certificate for the French Degree Program: provide proof of proficiency in French if you are studying a French language course.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to get a student visa in France?
The student visa process can take up to 12 weeks to complete.

How much bank balance is required for a France student visa?
A minimum of 615 EUR for the first month.

How much is the France visa fee?
85,000-90,000 NGN

How long can international students stay in France?
The long-stay visa valid as a residence permit for students (visa long séjour valant titer de séjour "étudiant," abbreviated to VLS-TS "étudiant") allows you to stay in France from four months to one year to pursue higher education studies.


France is an attractive destination for international students, offering diverse study programs and a renowned educational system. The availability of various types of study visas, such as the Schengen Student Visa, Entrance Exam Visa, Temporary Long-Stay Visa, and Long Stay France Student Visa, caters to different educational needs and durations. Facilitated through the Campus France system, the application process ensures a streamlined approach for students worldwide. Prospective students must adhere to specific documentation requirements, including admission letters, proof of financial means, medical insurance, and accommodation arrangements. With its rich cultural experience and academic excellence, studying in France presents a compelling opportunity for those seeking quality education in a vibrant international setting.

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